Meet and Greet, Social Singles Meetup

About event
Make new connections in a comfy environment, a perfect spot for socializing. This is a lowkey, no-pressure atmosphere where you can get to know others. If you are interested in enjoying getting acquainted with comfort and ease, this will be the perfect choice.
This no pressure event is facilitated by our team. You don't need to think about how to break the ice with someone new because everyone at the event is open to meeting new people.
Dress code: Dress to impress, Business casual.
Two age groups: 20s - 30s and 30s - 40s
How to find us
Ask the front desk for Mixer event. Text to 323-207-9260 if you cant find the group.
Tickets - get one ticket & attend many events for free
Online ticket - $19 and at the door ticket - $25.
Each ticket to this event comes with a promo:
Ladies can attend Mixers for FREE in the next six months
Gentlemen can attend Mixers for FREE in the next three months
If you've attended previous events with The Fun Singles, login to your The Fun Singles account and RSVP.