About event
Most employers these days agree with research showing your Emotional Quotient (EQ) as being twice as important as IQ and technical skills in your employment success.
Personality and emotions are hardwired in all of us. You can’t control how something makes you feel. And neither can all those people you live and spend with. In times of stress or conflict, disruptive emotions and impulses can cause you to lose control making challenging situations worse and potentially leaving you later regretting what you said and did.
You CAN, however, learn to recognize and understand your own emotions and change how you react. And you CAN learn to understand and influence the emotions and reactions of others and build the trust and rapport so important in all our relationships - at work, play and home!
This seminar will explain what emotional intelligence is and why it matters so much.You will receive practical tools to help you improve your skills in:
- Knowing yourself, understanding your emotional responses
- Managing yourself, learning to respond vs react, keeping your cool
- Knowing others, understanding others’ feeling, emotions and reactions, and your impact on them
- Enhancing your relationships with emotionally intelligent communications skills.
This Sunday @ the SheHive seminar is being facilitated by SheHive KeyHolder, Rosemary Bayer, Chief Inspiration Officer at ardentCause L3C and 2018 Candidate for Michigan Senate, District 12.