BCO & HTXO presents: Houston Outdoors LIVE – Kayaking 101

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BCO & HTXO presents: Houston Outdoors LIVE – Kayaking 101
June 14, 2017 – 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Allen’s Landing – where Houston was born!
1005 Commerce St
Houston, TX 77002
Houston Outdoor LIVE - join us in person. Or, check the LIVE event out online at our Facebook Live presentation. Both events run simultaneously and you can join the Q&A online or in person.
Each week we take a topic, drill down as quick & deep as we can, to get you up to speed and out playing. We’ll take Q&A after the presentation to help guide everyone into outdoor summer fun mastery.
Ever searched for “Houston Outdoor Live”?
What comes up is eating, drinking and sitting down to listen to music. Nothing wrong with eating, drinking or music, we LOVE all of these. And, we want to see our Houstonian friends outside digging all this city has to offer. With 52,912 acres of parkland, 163 miles of biking trails and 2500 miles of waterway there is no shortage of playgrounds. BCO & HTXO are on a mission this summer to teach our friends everything they need to know to be an outdoor ninja. (or – another sentence: we are on a mission this summer to teach you everything you need to be outdoor savvy)
June 14 – KAYAKING
Kayaking, it's friends, it's meditation, it's adventure, it is whatever you want it to be. ?With miles of bayous, unlimited lakes and sea shores, we live in a kayaking haven.
Topics covered:
- What gear you must have and how to choose a kayak
- The best boat for a beginner
- Strokes, Cross Training, Stretching
- Avoiding arm fatigue
- Where to paddle
- Terminology
- Water safety & rules
- Finding paddling buddies
Don’t miss out.
You'll also be able to download the free #10Essentials for Kayking that evening - we promise to get you Kayak in style!
It covers everything you need from tip to toe to have you in a kayak and on the water in no time at all.
Ready to grab a paddle?
Join us on for a couple of featured Bayou City Outdoors/HTXOutdoors kayak events
June 18th – Kayaking on the water lessons - Pre-registration REQUIRED
RSVP at https://kellyhoward.lpages.co/bco-live-0614-kayak/ Additional info call 713-524-3567 or e-mail to info@bayoucityoutdoors.com