hgRunClub: Philly Edition
About event
join us for our monthly #hgRunClub with Philadelphia Runner as we honor Black History Month with a Julian Francis Abele-themed run throughout the city. Julian was the first African-American graduate of the Penn Graduate School of Fine Arts, and is responsible for a great many of the city's architectural masterpieces (such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Free Library of Philadelphia and Land Title Building).
we will meet at the CENTER CITY Philadelphia Runner location (1601 Sansom) at 6:30PM. All runners will receive a 20% discount on their post-run #honeygrow meal (110 S 16th St)!
we will also have our custom hgAthletics dri-fit shirts available for sale for $30 each!
for more hgAthletics event information, join our email list: honeygrow.com/updates