Zuri's Circle Paint Party Fundraiser

About event
Your invited to a paint nite fundraiser benefiting Zuri's Circle Adopt-A-Classroom program. This program allows us to adopt a class room for a full school year. We will go to the class once a month and provide the children with backpacks, tshirts, arts and crafts, encouragement and more. Registration deadline: May 8th . Event will be held on Saturday May 13,2017, 7:00pm at Your Art Party. We’ll supply everything you need to create your painting. Our Artist will walk us through the process– step by step, so don’t you worry!
Then your finished project is yours to take home. No experience necessary!
Light Appetizers and drinks will be served. (Adults Only)
Cost: $45.00 per person. All spaces are reserved on a first paid, first served basis only. Prepaid reservations must be made in advance no later than May 8th. To reserve your space,please email us at info@zuriscircle.com. If you wish to pay by check please make it out to: Zuri's Circle (My Beautiful Circle) Attn: paint party fundraiser, PO Box3801, Peoria Az 85380. Please be sure to include your name(s), address, email, and phone number(s), as well as the number of reservations.
Only 30 slots available