Dating is Fun

Dating is Fun

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Singles Events

Our events are designed to help you meet new people, expanding your social circle beyond your usual acquaintances. The structured environment takes the pressure off initiating conversations, making it easier to connect with others in a natural way.

Moreover, singles events offer the unique advantage of meeting diverse individuals you wouldn't encounter in your daily life, broadening your social circle.

Speed Dating events

Speed dating offers efficient and lively interactions, allowing participants to meet many potential matches in a single evening. The structured format reduces pressure, providing immediate, face-to-face feedback that is more authentic than online dating. Held in sociable environments, these events are enjoyable and help improve social skills and confidence. With smooth organization by event hosts, speed dating is a fun and effective way to meet potential partners quickly.

Speed dating saves time, money, and energy by allowing participants to meet multiple potential matches in one efficient and structured event.

Online Dating

The combination of Speed Dating events with The Fun Singles Online Dating platform allows members fine tune their speed dating dates and quickly connect with mutual matches afterwards. Our proprietary matching algorithm maximizes the quality and the number of people you meet during a speed dating nightout.

Online Dating in it's own is time consuming, but when it's combined with in person interaction it's becomes a helpful tech that makes it extremely easy to continue the conversations after attending an event or start new conversation with the member who for some reason didn't join the event.

Our Members Say
Amy is tired of online dating and decided to join a speed dating event with The Fun Singles, she's a busy professional looking for a long term relationship and offline dating works for her busy schedule.

It was my first time joining a speed dating event. I had a lot of fun and met a bunch of new people. This is a great way to find a match! Looking forward to the next fun event.

Josh joined a black and white singles mixer party and had a great time with new friends. He had two dates with ladies he met at the events.

I've joined two events so far - a mixer event and a speed dating event, both were a lot of fun. I've had couple dates so far, I'm glad I joined them. The atmosphere was very casual without any pressure...

Erika is a hard working professional and works with kids. Her social circle is limited to co-working female educators and that is having a negative impact on her dating life.

Thank you for creating these events! This is a fun way to socialize and make new connections for busy single professionals. I personally get busy with work and day to day stuff. Joining these events is really something that helps me get out and socialize during the week days or on weekends.

Paul is a hard working professional and works as a software engineer. His social circle is limited to co-working male engineers and that is having a negative impact on his dating life.

I'm new to the area and want to make new friends. I'm also single, so going to a speed dating sounded fun and I wanted to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked, I met a great woman and have a second date with her. I would recommend attending speed dating. It worked well for me.

Sam has an outgoin and positive personality, he enjoys trying new things and very open-minded.

Glad to share my experience! I work full time and I'm usually busy during the week. It was hard for me to meet new people, so I decided to attend a speed dating event. My experience was great. I liked the idea of seeing a lot of new people in one night to quickly test the chemistry.


Frequently Asked Questions About Speed Dating

What is speed dating, and how does it work?

A speed dating event is a fun and efficient way for singles to come together for socializing throughout the evening and meeting potential dates.

A typical speed dating event is hosted in a bar or a restaurant, where each participant has around 10 min to chat with someone new, before moving on to the next speed date.

Speed dating is effective because it gives you the opportunity to interact with each participant for several minutes and figure out if there is any chemistry between you. Online dating and swiping, on the other hand, can be misleading since you rely on pictures and self-descriptions, which might not always be accurate.

The Fun Singles speed dating takes it to the next level by matching you with members selected by our matching AI model.

How is The Fun Singles different from traditional speed dating?

Like a friend's party, our events create a casual, friendly atmosphere. We strive to make socializing fun and easy! The Fun Singles Speed Dating is a combination of the traditional speed dating and online dating. We pick the best venues town to make sure you enjoy the nightout and make it casual without table numbers, stopwatches, bells and whistles. It looks and feels organic and natural, just like attending a friend's party.

Unlike other speed dating companies, we don't set you up with some rando. After each date we ask you for feedback and adjust the next matches during that speed dating event.

So forget the traditional boring speed dating and try out The Fun Singles Speed Dating. Let us pleasantly surprise you and show you a better way of dating!

What questions should I ask at a speed dating event?

Feel free to discuss any topic you like, such as hobbies, work-life, family, travel, and other interests. A good conversation starter is to ask if the person has speed dated before. If they have attended many events, try asking unique questions to avoid repetition and help you stand out. However, if they are new to speed dating, stick to more general and easier-to-answer questions.

Here are some easy questions you could ask during a speed dating "What do you enjoy doing in your free time?", "Have you traveled anywhere interesting recently?", "What's your favorite type of food or cuisine?", "Do you have any pets? If so, tell me about them.", "What's the last movie or TV show you watched and loved?". After each answer, you can ask more questions, so that they can elaborate on their answers.

As the date progresses, you can go ask more funny, flirty or serous questions like "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?", "If we could go anywhere in the world for a weekend getaway, where would you take me?", "What values are most important to you in a relationship?". It all depends on the personality of your date and how your conversations are going.

The most important things are listen, stay engaged and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.

How should I prepare for speed dating?

Preparing for a speed dating event can help you feel confident and make the most of your experience. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Opt for an outfit that is stylish but not too formal or too casual.

Begin with simple, friendly questions that invite them to talk about themselves, as this helps ease any initial nervousness and sets the stage for a natural conversation flow. Make your date feel comfortable. Everyone might feel a bit tense at the start, but this usually fades as the evening progresses. Stay relaxed, be sincerely interested in what your date has to say, and let the discussion evolve effortlessly.

The best way to make the most of a speed dating event is to be yourself and show genuine kindness. People are drawn to authenticity, so skip the cheesy pick-up lines and just be your true self. Even if you don't meet your perfect match, you'll still walk away with some great stories and maybe even new friends. Embrace the experience for what it is, enjoy each conversation.

When Speed Dating became popular?

Speed dating was invented in 1998 in Los Angeles. It was created as a way for singles to meet and potentially find a partner in a structured and efficient manner. The first speed dating events took place at a coffee shop called Peet's Coffee & Tea.

The concept quickly gained popularity and spread to other cities in the United States and around the world in the early 2000s. Speed dating has become a popular way for singles to meet new people in a quick, fun, and low-pressure environment. It's also been featured in various movies, TV shows, and other media, further popularizing the concept.

How can I find a speed dating events near me?

More than hundred thousand speed dating events have been hosted by The Fun Singles. Tap on your city and find a list of local events near you.